Fatima Tumsah
I’ve tried a lot of diet, CWP, Edmark, MRT personal diet and exercise and nothing changed. From what I read on Health & Healthy blog, I decided to try it out. The sessions are interesting and great with high motivational level. She was very helpful, my questions were answered. The most important thing I learnt was consistency and not finding comfort in food. I loss 13kg in 12 weeks, from 82kg to 69kg, thank you so much coach, what I paid cannot compare to what I have achieved and how my life has been affected positively

At the end of week 1 I was down 1.5kg I was dancing. Something I struggled with for months finally its paying off. I then imagined 6 months from that day I told myself no giving up no matter how long or slow I’m getting to my goal. Nate’s class is awesome, constant motivation; the meals are great I eat anything I want to but in small portions. My progress is slow but I rather have it slow and healthy than fast with crash diets, pills and the rest.

These 12 weeks taught me how disciplined I could be. I waited patiently for one person to notice, just when my scale refused to drop and was getting frustrated I hear it. “Bimbo you are losing weight”. I almost fainted with excited. It was my dad. And that was it for me. Oh Natachi, God bless you for me, don’t know how she does it but I want to say thank you for believing in me so much that it kept pushing me. So far I have loss 10.6kg.

Miebaka Nwankwo
It’s been two months on this great journey and I Stand to say that I have lost 19kg so far I weigh 93kg with the help of portion control, healthy eating, detox and serious exercises. I never thought I could do this but I never stopped pushing and I will keep pushing thanks Nate for inspiring me and may God continue to bless you. Keep up with the good work.

Fatima Ahmed
Nate really inspired me when I saw her progress pictures. I told myself “if she can do it, so can I”. I eat in moderation and use smaller plates for meals and exercised too. I’ve loss 10 kg in 3 months I hope to get to my ultimate goal of 60 kg.